viernes, 5 de octubre de 2007

The people:
The Panamanian population today is a mix of mestiza, mulata, negra, eupean and Asiatic. Twenty five per cent of the population prefer to live in two metropolitan’s areas: Panama and Colon. The people who live in panama are very content because it is a great place for relax.
The Cities:

Capital of Panama

The capital Panama, is the principal commercial, industrial and cultural centre; San Miguelito is a district of the capital. Other most important cities are: Colon, it’s the port near the Caribbean Sea of Panama; y David, farming and commercial centre near Costa Rica.


Pluvisilva, Panamá Canal de Panamá

Panama had tropical, hot and humid climate, where a great quantity of vegetables grow. For example: Jacaranda, cedar, ciprés, ceiba, oak (tree) y palo Brasil.
Also there are valleys, flatness and very green forests, they had a lot of mountains, which make up the Serrania de Tabasara. The Serrania de Tabasara is bigger than the Serrania Darien. The limiting countries are Colombia and Costa Rica.

Jacarandá Perezoso de dos dedos

In this country the climate is very favourable for the animal life. And the tropical jungle where armadillos, anthill bear, tapirs and jaguars live is really beautiful. In 2001 saw 37 species in extinction danger.

Size: 75.517 km.
Population: 64% mestiza, 14% mulata, 14% negra, 10% European, 8% aboriginal, 4% Asiatic.
Languages: Spanish, English, Aboriginal language (cuna, guaymi).
Capital: Panama.
Climate: tropical, hot and humid.

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