viernes, 1 de junio de 2007

Hi Franco!

Dear Franco:
Hello, I am here in Paraguay. I arrived this afternoon at half past five. Now I am drinking mate and a little of water fell on the paper. The journey took sixteen hours. At the beginning it was very boring, so I decided to sleep. Four hours later I woke up because something strange happened.
The route was very badly kept and the driver was drunk so the bus fell on the middle of the road and everybody got hurt. Luckily somebody had a cell phone and called for an ambulance and the police.
After that I stayed at a bus station 30 minutes, because we were close to the city, and later I was interviewed for the Channel 8 News. When I finished I went out and took the next bus.
I am starting my holidays so I am going to sleep all I want.
Write soon!!!

3 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

I´m glad to know you are o.k. after the accident!

Ingles3ro4ta dijo...

You had a lucky escape!

Anónimo dijo...

your tp is ok
because is my tp!